I thought that the video “The amen break” was really informative and interesting. It took something that many of us are familiar with and have heard many times before, but didn’t know the story behind its origination. If it wasn’t for the fact that this was a very interesting topic, than this video would have been very painful to watch. I found it difficult to stay intrigued because the narrator was very monotone and used a lot of uncommon words in his speech.
I also believe that this topic is a lot more interesting to someone that is more educated in music terminology and the beats. I enjoy informative videos like this that also provide visual representations alongside of the song. One of those examples is a video that explains how the electoral college works. The video is produced by CGP Grey and is below
What I enjoy better about the electoral college video is the simple addition of pictures and a little bit more excitement in the narrators both.
As the video moves on to talk about copyright laws, I thought that the narrator brought up a great point. If you asked anyone than they could clearly tell you that The Winston’s were responsible for the creation of that music. Unfortunately, because it was reused and copyrighted by a corporation there was legal battles for who was the true “owner” of the amen break. To be completely, that entire section confused the heck out of me and I had to re-listen to it a few times. Im conflicted on this entire issue because I can see all sides of the story. I think that the original artists are entitled to the success of the creation, but I also enjoy listening to songs that have sampling in them. One of my favorite artist is Kanye West, and Kanye is known for how often he uses sampling in his songs. I think that there should be a way that would give artist access to samples without having to complicate everything. Of course the original artist should be given a certain amount of credit for the inclusion of their song, but let’s be honest, it is usually a minor part of the song. If anything, I would take it is a compliment that your music was so good that someone else wanted to use it!